- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers.

Info on the number +13136356955

Telephone Number +13136356955 is a NANP Number and is in Area Code 313, Exchange Code 635 in Michigan (MI), USA. The number was originally operated by the provider CLEC, LLC - MI.

Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.

Here is some general information about the number.

Country Code: 1
Country Name: USA
Area Name: Michigan (MI) (313)
Original Provider: CLEC, LLC - MI
Validity: The number is the correct length for a North American number.

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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:

26th April 2024 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam

On 26th April 2024, telephone number +13136356955 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Hector Williams using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.

In Advance Fee Fraud Scams, the scammer will offer you something of high value (a large sum of money or gold for example) and all you have to do is pay a "small" fee. What the scammer is offering you does not actually exist and the scammer will come up with fee after fee that needs to be paid by the victims, until he either runs out of money or realises that he has been scammed. The scammer will often pretend to be real people or companies, use fake websites and introduce various characters, all with the aim of convincing the victim that what is being offered to him is real.

Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Good Day.
How are you and your family, Hope fine. Obviously my Boss left instructions that the $30Million
United States Dollars and left instructions that the international certified bank draft will be handed over to you in lieu of appreciation for the initial assistance rendered to him while trying to transfer some funds abroad.
Though,according to him,the deal could not sail through with your assistance inspite of concerted efforts which made him to seek another foreign partner who eventually assisted him. But as a man with the fear of God,he reasoned that your initial assistance inspite of everything should not go unrewarded-hence the provision for the cheque before his departure for Paraguay on a business trip
You are required to provide your full address that will be submitted to the bank for the processing of your fund and transfer into your account without any delay.Thanks and have a blessed day,while looking forward to hear from you today.Barrister Hector Williams & CO. CHAMBERS
(Legal practitioners, Will, Finance & Probate Solicitor) Campden Hill House, 192-196 Campden Hill Road, London W8
Te/eFax:+1313 6356955

Further details of this report can be found on the forum

*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.

This number could also be written in the following formats

13136356955 +13136356955 0013136356955 01113136356955 001113136356955
01013136356955 1 (313) 635-6955 1-313-635-6955 1 313 635 6955 1-313-635-6955
1 313-635-6955 +1 (313) 635-6955 +1-313-635-6955 +1 313 635 6955 + 1-313-635-6955
+1 313-635-6955 001 (313) 635-6955 001-313-635-6955 001 313 635 6955 00 1-313-635-6955
001 313-635-6955 0111 (313) 635-6955 0111-313-635-6955 0111 313 635 6955 011 1-313-635-6955
0111 313-635-6955 00111 (313) 635-6955 00111-313-635-6955 00111 313 635 6955 0011 1-313-635-6955
00111 313-635-6955 0101 (313) 635-6955 0101-313-635-6955 0101 313 635 6955 010 1-313-635-6955
0101 313-635-6955 (313) 635-6955 313-635-6955